Writing Rules
Important Note 1: When uploading your manuscript, use the article title as the full-text file name.
Important Note 2: Enter the article title with only the first letters capitalized when uploading it to the system.
All processes related to submissions to the Journal of Pedagogical Studies in Education will be carried out through the website: https://epader.org.tr/dergi/.
Submissions must adhere to the template specified on the journal's website. Pay close attention to the warnings and guidelines within the template. Manuscripts that do not comply with the template and writing rules will not be considered for review.
All communication processes are conducted through the journal’s homepage. Check the notifications sent to the email address you used to log into the system for updates regarding the process of your manuscript.
Articles submitted to the journal undergo multiple stages, including plagiarism screening, reference verification and formatting, digital layout and editing, adherence to writing rules, and foreign language checks. The costs associated with these services, as well as the hosting expenses for the journal’s publication, are covered by the authors. The payment amount and the account details are specified on the journal’s website.
Important Note: Payment does not guarantee the publication of your article. However, the payment is required for your work to be considered for review. Fees will not be refunded for works that are unpublished, withdrawn, or rejected.
When uploading your work to the system, ensure the following documents are included as specified below. Submissions missing any of these documents will not be considered for review:
- a) Full-Text File
- b) Title Page
- c) Plagiarism Report
- d) Payment Receipt/Proof of Payment